Delaware County Board Meeting

Sculpture Tour Coming to DelCo

Board Chair Advises on Title 42, Migration Expected to Double

By Mary A. Crisafulli

Delhi – Richard Lowe the director of economic and regional development for Hancock Partners announced plans for an art trail at a Delaware County Board meeting on May 10. 

The trail, which is expected to bring in 10 to 15 thousand visitors, is a collaborative effort between the partners, town, and Hancock Area Chamber of Commerce, of which Lowe is vice president.

Seven nature or family-focused sculptures reaching six to eight feet in height and width will be craned into various locations throughout the county. Organizers have chosen Deposit, Downsville, Walton, Andes, Margaretville, and Hancock as featured locations. The tour will launch on July 4 and run until Oct. 31. Each sculpture will be placed on pre-approved private property atop a blue stone base.

All seven featured sculptures are for sale totaling approximately $8 million. According to Lowe, if a sculpture is sold during its time in Delaware County, the municipality that it was sold in will receive 30% of the sale price for an endowment or public fund to be reinvested into the community. If a sculpture is sold for $1 million, that’s $300,000 for the municipality.

Tour visitors will have access to a downloadable application that will feature a map of all the art destinations. Local artists and businesses have an opportunity to be placed on the map as well. If a business displays art of a local artist in its shop, it can become a featured destination. In addition, Lowe said, all art venues will be featured on the trail. All towns are welcome to participate in these ways, he said. 

For more information on the art trail visit

In another discussion, Chairperson to Supervisors and Bovina Supervisor Tina Molé relayed information from the governor’s office regarding Title 42, which allows curbs on migration due to public health protection. Immigration across US borders has been restricted for three years due to the global pandemic. Such restrictions have expired this week. According to Molé, Governor Kathy Hochul Administration is expecting migration into New York City (NYC) to double in the next two weeks. On May 9, Hochul issued an executive order to respond to the anticipated migrant increase. The Hochul Administration has advised NYC to place individuals in counties outside of the five boroughs. It is Molé’s understanding that upstate counties must comply with NYC placements and will be compensated for their arrangement. Individuals will be placed through the county’s department of social services. 

In other business, Supervisors approved a centralized arraignment plan. The plan will support the county’s obligation to provide proper counsel and arraignment to all individuals, said Josh Shapiro, representative of the special counsel of the 6th judicial district.

A centralized system was made available to municipalities by the state approximately five years ago to develop a more efficient arraignment process. Since the adjustment of the state, counties have been organizing and implementing plans. Broome County was the first in the 6th district to execute a centralized arraignment process in 2017.

The plan will be reviewed by the state for approval. If approved, arraignments will take place at the public safety building on Phoebe Lane, Delhi. Town justices will be scheduled by the magistrate association for arraignment times held daily at 8:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Hancock Supervisor Jerry Vernold spoke on behalf of his town justice who, due to aging, is unable to drive down to Delhi for arraignment. Vernold asked if justices can opt-out of the scheduling. 

President of the magistrate association and Hamden Justice Gay Merrill said they are able to accommodate justices’ needs and asked they contact her or the magistrate association for more information.

The next board of supervisors meeting is scheduled Wednesday, May 29, at 1 p.m.