Grand Gorge FD Installs Officers

By Liz Page

GRAND GORGE – Members of the Grand Gorge Fire Department and Rescue Squad gathered at the Grand Gorge Fire Hall on Saturday to reflect on the past year, install new officers and honor those with special service anniversaries.

The newly installed officers for 2024 are, as follows: Hank Gockel Jr., chief; DJ Speenburgh, first assistant chief; Dave Lebel, second assistant chief; Brady Pickett and Corey Van Alstine, captains; Jim Hull, president; Roberta VanVaulkenburgh, vice president; Brady Pickett secretary; Bill Schryver, treasurer; Tom Murray, safety officer and Pastor Dot, chaplain.

DJ Speenburgh received the Firefighter of the Year Award and had the most responses in 2023.

Special year anniversaries were recognized with pins. There are plaques coming, but did not arrive in time for the dinner. Special years included: SteveWilliamson, 55; Jack VanValkenburgh, 50 (10 with Conesville and 40 with Grand Gorge); Debbie Brainerd, 35 years; Bill Schryver, 20 years; Hank Gockel Jr., 15 years; Jonathon and Larry VanVaulkenburgh, 10 years and Shelly Haight, Scott Haslyn and Dave Lebel, five years.

Jim Hull emceed the evening and reflected on the accomplishments in 2023, which was a very busy year.

They held a phenomenal benefit for the Murrays, serving 600 chicken dinners and holding a silent auction. They added a new shed, new tables and chairs, updated their barbecue protocol to make it much easier, finished the pavilion, constructed a roof over the fuel tanks, put a new roof  on the old shed which was redone and painted and they held another successful gun and outdoor show.

“I would really like to thank everyone who helped last year, we really got a lot done,” said Hull. He also extended his thanks to the Prattsville, Stamford and Roxbury departments for their help with the Murray benefit. “People came to help and did a great job. It really meant a lot to us.”

He gave a special toast in remembrance of Dan Pickett, a 43-year member of the department, who passed away suddenly.

Larry VanValkenburgh spoke on behalf of the Rescue Squad. He thanked all the mutual aid departments and the 911 center, Mark Rossley and Maggie Wilson for all they do. “I would also like to thank all the drivers and those who respond for lift assists,” he continued. The department currently has eight  EMTS and he thanked them for their help.

Bill Schryver provided the department’s financial report, thanking all the fire and EMS personnel for coming. He  said Tom and Gail Miner retired as vice president and secretary, serving more than 30 years with the department. He said they have been doing repairs to the station, looking at another ambulance and will be looking to purchase a new engine over the next six to seven years. They are doing well financially and they have received a grant to replace turnout gear and other needed items.

Hull said the department responded to 79 fire calls in 2023, with several completing their basic exterior firefighter course. He congratulated Danyelle Gockel, who finished the interior firefighter course and received her national certification.

Also in attendance were the fire commissioners, including Bill Schryver, Bill Davis, Michael Davis, Mike Ciaravino and Brad Zambri.

Guests of the evening included; Mark Rossley, Delaware County 911 director;  Joe and Deb Hornbeck, Stamford Fire Dept; Jim and Deb Dymond, Prattsville Fire Dept.; Marty and Rita Finch, Roxbury Fire Dept; Waylon and Jen Robinson, Conesville Fire Dept. and Liz Page, Mountain Eagle Newspaper.

(All photo captions pair with photo below them)

The 2023 slate of officers for the Grand Gorge Fire Department include, from left: Jim Hull, president; Roberta VanValkenburgh, vice president; Cory VanAlstine, captain; Brady Pickett, captain; DJ Speenburgh, first assistant chief; Hank Gockel Jr, chief and Bill Schryver, treasurer.

Donny Speenburgh, first assistant chief, was named Firefighter of the Year for the most responses.

Jack VanValkenburgh was honored for 50 years of service to the fire service, staring out with 10 years at the Conesville Fire Department, before moving into the Grand Gorge District for the next 30 years.

Stephen Williamson was honored as a 55-year member of the Grand Gorge Fire Department during Saturday’s installation dinner in Grand Gorge.

The Chief officers for the Grand Gorge Fire Department are, from left: Jim Hull, president: Cory VanAlstine and Brady Picket, fire captains; DJ Speenburgh, first assistant chief and Hank Gockel Jr., chief. Absent from the photo is Dave Lebel, second assistant chief.