M’burgh Village Resident Feels Targeted for Leaf Removal

By David Avitabile

MIDDLEBURGH – A Grove Street resident ripped the Middleburgh village board Monday for targeting residents who keep their lawns mowed and in proper condition and also for placing a notice in her mailbox.

Grove Street resident Joanne Newsome told village board members that an orange notice had been placed in her mailbox explaining the rules of leaf and brush pickup. She noted that she and her family followed the rules and felt targeted, especially since there are so many properties that are not kept up on Grove, River, and Pine streets.

In fact, some properties on Pine Street are so bad, the name of the street to Elm since it is such a “nightmare.”

She also noted that it was against the law to place anything but mail in a post office office and the next time would report the transgression.

After the meeting, Mayor Tim Knight responded, “Our DPW Crew leaves orange notecards at Village residences that do not follow instructions with leaf or brush disposal. There was neither targeting nor any bad faith directed towards Mrs. Newsome and leaving the card in her mailbox was an honest mistake.”

The Mayor added that he disagreed with comments “made in relation to our Village residents who live on Pine Street, however. These are taxpaying, neighborly, and community-minded folks who care for and love Middleburgh as much as anyone. We are excited to plant pollinators on Pine Street in the years to come, as it will only further beautify that neighborhood.”

The board did hear Nickerson Drive resident Cody Anderson praise the members of the DPW for fixing a water issue in a very timely manner.