The Prattsville Scoop 

By Abby and Gabby

PRATTSVILLE – May is Teachers’ and Nurses’ Appreciation Month. Thank you to all members of those professions. We need you and certainly wish more would join your ranks. Thank you.

May is also Poppy Month and along with being able to help our veterans, the distribution of the poppies give you a chance to catch up on many of your friends activities and the news of their families.

Sylvia Truesdell Grant stopped by Jim’s Great American saying she was transporting her brother Steve, AKA “Pa”, around on Wednesday, the 1st, for a bit of spring warmth and sunshine. They made a stop at Young’s Ace Hardware to pick up some flowers for Pa’s work once he got home. We have Pa on our feel better list. Thanks for your kind words Sylvia about reading and enjoying The Prattsville Scoop. Sylvia and others said that Youngs get a new shipment of transplants about every day. You might want to check the supply before it gets too late in the spring planting season.

Joann Bellinger Haskin let us know her grandson Joey will be graduating from St. Johns Fisher College in Rochester. He has made the Dean’s List every semester since he has been in college. He also played collegiate football. Congratulations Joey for all your achievements.

Debbie Dymond Wandursky gave us a short version of her biography. We were there for only eight hours and her history would take at least one month of 24 hour days. Debbie, thanks for the information. She has her private pilot’s license – Congratulations Debbie – and while living on Long Island she would pilot people to the Catskill Mountains for their awesome view and then fly them back to Long Island. On a current bit of information, she said that although the sapping season was short, the syrup was A-1, as usual, at brother Dan’s Maple Hill Farms. Nothing beats Beech Ridge Maple Syrup. Better get your supply in now, it does have a long shelf life when it is unopened.

Jessica, she of double duty – being an employee of Jim’s Great American as well as Catskill Mtn. Liquor Store – is very proud of her daughter who just graduated and passed the test to become an Air Force recruit. She passed all her tests to become a nurse in the Air Force. Congratulations and we ask Jessica to pass along our best wishes and thanks for your service in our Country’s military.

Nancy Olson was out and about being very independent, doing her own shopping. Can’t keep a good woman down.

We understand Kathy Sherman is recovering nicely from her hip replacement. Take it easy Kathy and all that material will be waiting for you to make more of your beautiful handbags and other items for upcoming craft fairs.

Want to say thank you to Jim Eisel and his wonderful staff – Joann, Kerry, Rosie, Debbie, Jessica, Dan and Janice. They made sure you were able to take a rest by supplying chairs and offering to help in any manner they could. Thanks Debbie as a member of our organization for helping with Poppy Distribution. Although it was a long day, it was a pleasant day and very successful.

Lisa and Stephen Birnbaum hosted their annual Kentucky Derby party on Saturday the 4th with friends joining in the fun and food and beverages. How many novice bettors picked the long shot?

Peter Tocci was at his in-laws’ for his annual trip for turkey hunting. He was successful but he will be back with another member of the family. Peter grew up on Mail Route Road, off Route 23.

The Goldfinches have their full yellow and black plumage for the summer, and the Bluebirds supply a color contrast. In addition to her mama bear and three cubs, Laurel Van Aken has her Baltimore Orioles waiting to be fed the oranges tacked to the tree. Spring in the Northeast!

Happy Birthday to Brian Haskin and Stan Sutton Sr. on May 10. On May 11 we wish Ray Traver Jr. a Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday to Austin Donisan on May 12. On May 15 it is Happy Birthday to twins Jack Rathbone and Judy Rathbone Wyckoff, Sandy Kingsley Benjamin, Randy Brainerd and Joanna Clark. Janice Cammer is wished a Happy Birthday on May 16.