County Denys NY Safety Track Application

By Mary A. Crisafulli

HARPERSFIELD – Delaware County Planning Board members took no action at their May meeting regarding the site plan application requesting expansion of land use activities at the New York Safety Track on Zimmerman Road. The board issued the “no action” due to an incomplete application.

The application was submitted in 2022 following a SWPPP (stormwater pollution prevention plan) violation by the track owners when they removed trees without a permit. The safety track is a two-mile-long race track originally designed for motorcycles. The proposed expansion of use includes increased hours of operation and development of a .7-mile-long mini-track, and the ability to host races. Track owners are also requesting additional vehicle types be added to its site plan, including cars.

This is the third time the county has reviewed this application. In November 2023 they also issued a “no action” due to an incomplete application and submitted a list of additional items for the applicant to provide. The board recommended the applicant supply a list of all LLC members, clearly defined hours and days of operation, and a completed sound study of all neighboring towns with a reapplication. The board also recommended the owners consult with the Harpersfield Town Council and Code Enforcement Officer Thomas Little regarding local regulations. However, at the May meeting, board members noted “The items requested have not been received.”

During public comment regarding the application, it was stated that officials are not permitted on the property to conduct inspections and there is a shooting range at the facility which worries neighboring property owners.

The Harpersfield Planning Board, which is also reviewing the application and SEQR (state environmental quality review), scheduled a special meeting on Thursday, May 16 after press time. More information on that meeting can be found in next week’s edition of The Mountain Eagle.