Gilboa-Conesville Budget Proposal on Ballot

GILBOA –  Voters of the Gilboa-Conesville Central School district will go to the polls on Tuesday, May 21 to decide the proposed $12,280,482 budget for the 2024-2025 school year.  It will leave all academic and extracurricular programming for students intact. Voting will take place from noon to 8 p.m. in the school auditorium.

It is an increase of $521.017 or a 4.43 percent increase over the current budget. It projects a 2.5 percent increase in the tax levy.

The proposed budget includes funding for a new mathematics program for grades K-5 which is aligned with the state’s learning standards. There will be a STEAM program for grades 4-8, in addition to professional development, technology, and academic intervention services.

There are two candidates for one five-year term on the Board of Education. Greg Woodcock is the incumbent school board member and is challenged by Aurora Zinck-Cornell.

Also on the ballot is the purchase of two buses, to be paid for out of the capital reserve fund for building and bus purchase.

A Capital outlay proposition in the amount of $100,000 is also on the ballot. The proposed project would address the outer door replacement throughout the building and is eligible for 47 percent state aid.