Postcard Talk in Jefferson

JEFFERSON – Postcard enthusiast John Duda will be the next speaker for the Jefferson Historical Society. His talk will focus on the history of postcards and postcard collecting. Other topics will include proper archival storage of cards, dating cards with no postmark or message, what makes one card more collectible than another, and the changing dynamics of modern collecting.

John is a long-time Trustee of both Skene Memorial Library in Fleischmanns and The Greater Fleischmanns Museum of Memories. He belongs to many historical societies in the area and has done numerous postcard and history presentations throughout the region. John has served as Secretary of the Kaaterskill Postcard Club for many years and runs their Postcard Show twice a year. 

This presentation will be at Judd Hall at 163 Main Street in Jefferson on Sunday May 19th at 3pm. It is free and open to the public. Attendees are encouraged to bring their local cards to show & discuss.