The Prattsville Scoop 

By Abby and Gabby

PRATTSVILLE – Hope all you Mothers out there had a special day on Sunday with love, thanks and gifts.

May is also Military Appreciation Month, in addition to honoring Nurses and Teachers, and we thank our military, those serving, those who served and those who are no longer with us. Memorial Day is in recognition to those who were KIA and those who passed in the company of their loved ones. Thank you.

Prattsville Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony will be held on Monday, May 27, hosted by the American Legion Virgil E. Deyo Post 1327. Parade line up will be at Maple Lane, Sewer Plant, Prattsville at 12 – Noon. Step off will be at 1 PM. The Memorial Day Ceremony honoring our deceased military will follow the parade at the Prattsville Town Green. At that time there will also be a container to respectfully collect American flags that can no longer be flown. Please bring yours and there will be new American flags for purchase. On June 13, 7 PM at Conine Field, please note change of venue for Post’s June meeting, Prattsville, the American Legion Post 1327 will meet and hold the respectful flag burning ceremony to retire the flags that have been collected for proper disposal. Please bring yours and attend this ceremony. Got a good news item from Gene and Debbie Case regarding the accomplishment of their daughter Sarah Dykes. On May 16 Sarah will have her pinning ceremony for nursing at Dutchess Community College. Sarah wants to continue her nursing career in cardiac care or emergency nursing. With pride and love Gene and Debbie will attend this momentous event. And to get in on the celebration, we all send our congratulations and love and thankfulness to Sarah. We appreciate all those currently in the nursing field and to those who are joining the ranks. Thank you.

The East Jewett Rummage Sale on Friday and Saturday was a time for family and friends to catch up on each others news. The Howard cousins – Rhonda, Carole, Sephanie, Shana and Ginny – got a chance to exchange hugs and news Stephanie and Shana traveled from Florida to wish their mom Carole (Mrs. Glen Howard) a Happy Mother’s Day. Shana was wondering how she was going to get all her purchases in her carry-on for her return trip. Have to make another trip to Lexington for Father’s Day. Unit 1327 Auxiliary members, Marianne Krauss, Nancy Kizyma and Ginny Gurley, were there to support Auxiliary member Cathy Martino, member of the E.Jewett UMC. Quite the array of items at below bargain prices. The Church’s Thrift Shop in Hunter will open on May 28. Not sure of hours but they are mid morning to early afternoon and it will take you all that time just to see what is there.

Thank you to Maureen S. of Grand Gorge for donating boxes and boxes of new household items and personal comfort items for our veterans in need. They will be delivered to Erwin Dominguez, Voluntary Services, at Stratton VAMC. While there recently to deliver afghans made by Dena Lawrence, we got a chance to see some of the work underway for up-dating and freshening up the rooms in Voluntary Services. Dom is looking forwarding to rearranging his stock. Some retail stores could take a hint from Dom and his staff in organizing his stock. Thank you Maureen, Dena and Dom for watching out for veterans in need.

Stephanie Braswell and son Dylan are back from a visit with her sister Alisa in North Carolina. Of course a good time was had by all.

The Gurleys were visited by granddaughter Lynne Tocci Pohler and son-in-law Peter, the turkey hunter. Lynne and Peter walked the Pratt Rock Trail to the top for a spring time view. Lynne then walked from there to home on Route 23A but Peter had to drive. He blamed it on the early morning turkey hunting, or perhaps it is his age.

Happy Birthday to Kip Rikard and Rob Rion on May 18. On May 23 it is Happy Birthday to Rudy Ehlers. Happy Anniversary to Steve and Erin O’Hara Meyer on May 21.

Send your news to or call 518-299-3219.