Awards Ceremony May 16

ROXBURY — The Roxbury Arts Group is pleased to announce our annual Awards Ceremony for the 2024 grantees of the Delaware County Arts Grant. The Awards Ceremony will be open to the public and hosted at the Roxbury Arts Center, 5025 Vega Mountain Road, Roxbury NY, 12474, on May 16 from 4-6pm. There will be short performances by grantees including Ethan Fox, Djahari Clark, PILLOW FORT, and Amy Randall. Awardees will also be presenting their projects on tables around the hall to ceremony attendees. For more information and to RSVP, please visit, email, or call 607-326-7908.

The Roxbury Arts Group administers the Delaware County Arts Grant Program that provides funding to non-profit organizations and artists within Delaware County for special projects and programs. This regrant program supports individual artists, creative learning, and community arts grants, and is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature. For more information about our grant program, please visit our website.