Gallupville House Receives Grants

Transfer Station Closes Saturday for Renovation

By Bradley Towle

GALLUPVILLE — The Wright Town Board heard at its last meeting that the Gallupville House received a significant grant, as well as other updates. The Town of Wright Transfer Station will be closed on Saturday, May 18th to allow for the completion of a renovation project.  Schoharie High School senior Deklan Haley’s Eagle Scout project will result in a new attendant station.  Haley had proposed the idea in early March at a town board meeting.  

Given the privilege of the floor, Haley presented the town with his plan for an 8’x 8’ space, asking that the town establish the concrete structure’s concrete footing.  The dump was closed Wednesday evening during regular hours as work had begun on Monday, with the old attendant shack gone by late afternoon.  The project is scheduled to be completed by June 1st.  

More renovations will soon occur at the opposite end of Factory St. in Wright.  The Gallupville House Association (GHA) was recently awarded a $5,000 curbside beautification grant from Scoharie Economic Enterprise Corporation (SEEC). The GHA plans to use the grant to help pay for new steps at the front of the historic building along Route 443. The step-replacement project is slated for the week of June 6th and is estimated to be completed by June 10th.  GHA president Scott Hadam has requested that no events be scheduled during the new construction.  

The GHA received a generous grant from Nick Juried in 2023.  Using land generously donated by longtime Gallupville resident Chris Claus, the GHA has plans to build enhanced parking, a playground, and community gardens behind the Gallupville House.  The contribution from SEEC is the latest in a trend of long-needed upgrades to Wright’s historic landmark.  

It is worth noting that all of the efforts mentioned above, Deklan Haley’s Eagle Scout project at the transfer station, and the efforts of the GHA in securing grants and donations for much-needed improvements are grassroots volunteer efforts to enhance the community.