Jefferson Hears Reports, Sets Post Office Public Hearing

By Liz Page

JEFFERSON   –  Board members heard a presentation of the Jefferson Central School budget, approved sponsorship for two community groups, and heard various reports prior to opening the floor on a public hearing on amendments to the town’s Wind Turbine Facilities Law (See separate article) last Thursday.

Tarkan Ceng, superintendent at JCS took the floor to present this year’s budget, to notify residents of the upcoming budget hearing and May 21 vote. Voting will take place from noon to 8 p.m. in the school library lobby.

There are two candidates for one five-year term on the school’s Board of Education; Frederick J. Blumberg and Phoebe K. Schreiner.

The proposed budget has no reductions in programming, athletics, staffing or extracurricular activities. The new figures are up 5.43 percent over the current budget and projects a 3.84 percent increase in the tax levy. It remains within the allowable tax cap.

Voters will also decide on the purchase of a 65- 65-passenger bus, the cost not to exceed $165,000.

Board member also approved a resolution to replace the outdoor stairway from the upper level of the  town hall to the town court on the lower level. 

A public hearing is set for the June 13 meeting on the sale of a post office building. Ben Buck asked the town wait until he has a chance to review the lease agreement before they enter a contract. The sale is also subject to permissive referendum and the town has an offer of $105,000 from a realty company that specializes in the purchase of postal property. The town owns the building and has made some expensive repairs. The town has not benefitted from ownership of the building and is looking to sell it. The post office will remain at that location, said Supervisor Hait.

Town board members approved a resolution to make the Heritage Day Committee and the Holiday Committee town-sponsored organizations for the purpose of liability insurance for the events. 

In his report, Don VanValkenburgh said they are still seeking volunteers for the Heritage Day Committee which will meet on May 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the town hall. A benefit Chicken BBQ, featuring Brook’s BBQ chicken will be held in the JCS parking lot on May 25 from noon until sold out. The cost will be $10 per half and there will be salads available. Proceeds will go to befit the committee and upcoming Heritage Day. There have been several suggestions for new events this year, including a scavenger hunt, quilt show, floats for the parade and outhouse race, rabbit plop bingo, and other ideas. New ideas are welcome, said VanValkenburgh.

The Automated External Defibrillator(AED) has arrived and will be installed in the town hall. 

Councilman Ken Cole reported the Greens Committee plans to plant seven trees on the green and is waiting on warmer weather. 

He also reported on the Catskill Revitalization Council (DURR), saying crews will begin installing more ties in the track to Highmount as soon as the equipment arrives. Ties to do another mile of track will be ordered and it is hoped the rail ride will open to Fleischmanns and Highmount this year. 

Supervisor Hait and Carol Terk have worked to clean out the flower beds at the town hall and two trees need to be cut, so that new plantings can be put in.