Sgt. James F. Carty, DSC

VFW Post 1545

We are preparing for good weather for Memorial Day weekend. We start off on Thursday, May 23, at 8 a.m. performing the VFW Memorial Day service at WAJCS.

We are proud to have five students to assist in the ceremony. When we started incorporating the students in our ceremony, the idea was to let them get the feel of how solemn the ceremony Is as we honor the brave men and women who gave their lives in serving our country. 

All are welcome to attend the outdoor event on the front lawn of the school. 

On Thursday, May 30, (the actual Memorial  Day) our Post will perform the Memorial Day service at the cemeteries in Ashland and Windham along with the memorial on Route 296 in Hensonville.

On the weekend of Memorial Day our Post will be holding tag day Saturday the 25th from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. 

At the same time the Jewett Memorial Fund Association will be holding a chili cook off at the Post building.

For information regarding this event contact Gini at Blue Mountain Excavation (518) 734-3754. This event will raise funds for the Jewett Veterans Memorial, 

On Sunday, June 9, the Windham Rotary will be holding a pancake breakfast at the Post building from 8 a.m. until noon.

Pancakes, bacon, sausage, orange juice, coffee and fruit will be served for a goodwill offering. Come and support the great work that Windham Rotary is involved in. 

To all of you who work out with Yoga, or would like to give it a try, we have two great instructors. You can  contact Anne Donovan at  (518) 299-3204 and/or Joanna Poehmel at  (518) 390-9164 for dates and times.  You will enjoy it I promise. 

I am asking all combat veterans on the mountain top to consider joining the great organization of the VFW. Continue to serve your community and help with Veterans in need.

Remember one thing, no one helps us veterans but veterans. We have a great facility here in Windham that has been in existence for more than 96 years. We were started by WWI veterans and have worked with the community continuously and proudly, 

Let us remember the ones that gave their lives for our country. Keep all who are still serving in your thoughts and prayers. Hope to see you all at the WAJCS ceremony. God Bless America.

Marc Farmilette, PDC – Commander Post 1545